질문: 신은 화내고 비판하는 신이라서 지구의 현재의 상황은 신이 우리의 죄를 처벌하신 것입니까?
킴 마이클을 통한 Jesus 의 대답
One of the greatest problems on earth today is that so many people have come to accept a false image of God. Obviously, there are many false images, but the one that concerns me the most is the idea that God is an angry and judgmental God who is ready to punish even the slightest transgression of his law. I have gone to great length to explain to you the law of cause and effect, including reincarnation and karma (see the following answer). If you will contemplate my explanation with an open heart, you will realize that God does not consciously or actively punish people’s sin
The reality of the situation is that because God gave people free will, God had to provide a safety mechanism so that a lifestream would not become lost by misusing that free will. It was God’s original intention that all lifestreams would express their individuality and use their free will in a way that did not violate the very laws that God used to create this universe. Obviously, if you live in this universe and violate the laws upon which the universe is based, then you will inevitably self-destruct. It is important for you to understand that God’s law does not limit your creative expression. For example, look at the situation on planet earth. You have been given a beautiful planet that is perfectly capable of sustaining a large number of people. Yet, we now see a pollution of the environment which ultimately could destroy the environment and therefore prevent you from expressing any kind of creativity and freedom. Likewise, human beings have developed nuclear weapons and a large-scale nuclear war could destroy the environment and limit your creative expression.
Obviously, pollution and nuclear war is not in accordance with God’s law. It is perfectly possible for human beings to live on planet earth without destroying their environment. And it is perfectly possible for them to do so in such a way that they still have plenty of room for creative expression. It is not God’s intention to limit your creativity, and his law is not a restriction on your freedom. If you knew God’s law, you would naturally choose to express your creativity in such a way that it would not destroy yourself. The problem is, of course, that because people have fallen into the lower consciousness dominated by the dualistic mind, they no longer know God’s law. This was not what God intended, yet because God gave you free will, God could do nothing to stop you. What could God possibly have done with a group of lifestreams who fell into a lower state of consciousness and forgot their divine origin? Well, God could have destroyed these lifestreams, and that is precisely what an angry and judgmental God would have done. The very fact that you are alive demonstrates that your God is not an angry and judgmental God. Your God is a God of mercy and compassion, and therefore it has given people a second chance. In fact, it has given people many second chances.
God does not punish you
My point here is that God does not punish you for your mistakes. When God gave you free will, it simply set up a safety mechanism so that if you misuse your free will, you will not automatically and immediately self-destruct. God created an impersonal law which returns all energy to you with the same qualification that it had when you sent out that energy. Therefore, you will reap as you have sown. Obviously, if all of your current conditions are the consequences of your own actions, and if all of your actions, past or present, are the results of choices you make with your free will, then it simply does not make sense to say that the current conditions on planet earth are the result of God’s punishment. These conditions were not created by God, and they are not what God wants for the extensions of itself. The current conditions on planet earth are created by human beings. I freely admit that the vast majority of humans have created these conditions out of ignorance. In fact, people have to a very large degree been tricked into creating the current misery on planet earth. They have been tricked into creating this misery by a small group, a power elite, of lifestreams who deliberately and willfully rebelled against God’s law.
Nevertheless, the somber fact is that human beings are punishing themselves and they continue to punish themselves, because they continue to allow themselves to remain in ignorance of God’s law. God has sent many prophets, spiritual teachers and messengers in an attempt to make people change their ways. Yet, up until this point, God’s message has been ignored by so many people that God cannot bring major changes to planet earth. God must simply wait until more people reach beyond the dualistic mind and begin to put on their personal Christhood. Every human being has the potential to stop this downward spiral and to reach for the Christ consciousness. I will admit that this potential has not been common knowledge. Nevertheless, it is not my intent to lament what might have been. It is my intent to demonstrate to you what can be, both now and in the future. If you don’t like what you see in your personal life, take responsibility for your situation and recreate yourself in the image and likeness of God. If you don’t like what you see on planet earth, take responsibility for that situation and recreate the earth in the image and likeness of the kingdom of God.
I am Jesus Christ, and I am part of a team or spiritual beings who have pledged their lives to help humankind rise out of their current misery. We want to see God’s kingdom and the abundant life manifest on earth. We have immense power, and we stand ready to help you at any moment. Yet, we must respect our Father’s law of free will. If you choose to remain in ignorance, if you choose not to take responsibility for your own life and for the planet as a whole, then we must simply wait until you make a better decision. I have come to tell you that it is time to make that decision. If even a small number of people on this planet would make the decision to pursue the path of individual Christhood, we of the ascended masters could immediately bring dramatic change to this planet. We are ready and waiting; we simply need your call.
Make peace with God 신과 화해하기
I have personally walked the earth, and I know what it is like to be under the intense weight of humankind’s karma. Yet, I now reside in heaven, and therefore I know the incredible difference between the state of consciousness found in heaven and the state of consciousness that currently dominates earth. I also know that God wants every human being to rise to the state of consciousness that we have in heaven, namely the Christ consciousness. However, to attain this state of consciousness, you must heal your relationship with God. How can you possibly inherit God’s kingdom of Christ consciousness as long as you fear or resent God? If you are willing to start healing your relationship with God, if you want to overcome the idea that God is an angry and judgmental God, then you need to raise your consciousness above the level of the dualistic mind. If you will make an effort to do so, I promise you that it is possible for you to experience the peace, the joy and the love that exists in heaven.
If you are willing to begin this process of healing, I suggest that you start reading some of the many inspirational books found in the bookstores and libraries of earth. Some of these books describe near-death experiences where people left the physical body behind and traveled into the spiritual realms. Such books can be a great inspiration, if you read them with an open heart. There are also many other spiritual and religious books, from every major religion or from no particular religion, that describe spiritual and mystical experiences that will give you a glimpse of the state of consciousness we have here in heaven.
In heaven, you find none of the turmoil that you experience on earth.
You find peace. You find love, and that love is different from the love that most people experience on earth. God’s love is truly unconditional. I know that as long as a person is enveloped in the dualistic mind, he or she simply cannot fathom the concept of unconditional love. Yet, when you start walking the path of personal Christhood, you will, sooner or later, experience a glimpse of God’s unconditional love. You must understand that we of the ascended masters desire nothing more than to have you experience and accept the unconditional love that we feel for you. You might recall that I talked about perfect love which casts out all fear. The perfect love that I was talking about is the unconditional love of God. Were you to experience even a glimpse of that unconditional love, your life would be permanently transformed.
천상에서는 지구에서 일어나는 혼란은 없습니다. 평화와 사랑만이 있으며, 대부분의 사람들이 지구에서 겪는 사랑과는 다릅니다. 신의 사랑은 진정으로 조건 없습니다. 사람이 이중성의 마음에 둘러 싸여 있는 동안은 조건 없는 사랑을 이해하기는 어렵다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 그러나 개인적인 여정으로써 그리스도 의식의 길을 걷기 시작한다면, 곧 신의 조건 없는 사랑에 대한 경험을 확장할 수 있습니다. 우리가 느끼는 조건 없는 사랑을 여러분이 수용하고 받아들이는 것만이 상승한 마스터들인 우리들의 유일한 바람임을 이해해야 합니다. 모든 두려움을 내 던지는 완전한 사랑에 대해 이야기한 것을 기억하길 바랍니다. 내가 이야기한 그 완전한 사랑은 신의 조건 없는 사랑입니다. 조건 없는 사랑에 조금이라도 엿볼 수 있다면 당신의 삶은 영원히 변하게 됩니다.
I am not thereby saying that you would instantaneously be turned into a perfect human being. I am saying that you would realize that there is an alternative to the state of consciousness that you experience on earth. This experience would give you the motivation and the drive to pursue your personal Christhood with all the diligence and fervor of your heart. Once you have experienced God’s unconditional love, you simply will not allow any human condition (be it inside or outside your own psyche) to stand in the way of your inner walk towards Christ consciousness. Christ consciousness is the mediator between heaven and earth. It is the mediator between the state of consciousness experienced by the spiritual beings here in heaven and the level of consciousness experienced by human beings who are lost in the relativity of the dualistic mind.
그렇다고 즉시적으로 완전한 인간이 되는 것은 아닙니다. 일차적으로 현재 지구에서 경험하는 의식의 상태에 대한 다른 대안이 있다는 것을 깨닫게 되는 것입니다. 그 경험은 당신이 진심으로 성실함과 진지함으로 개인적인 그리스도 의식을 추구하는 동기를 부여할 수 있습니다. 신의 무조건적인 사랑을 경험하게 되면, 당신은 그리스도 의식을 향한 내면의 여정을 가로막는 인간적인 조건들(정신의 내, 외적으로 있는)을 허용하지 않게 됩니다. 그리스도 의식은 천상과 지구의 중개자입니다. 그것은 천상에서 영적인 존재들이 경험하는 의식 상태와 이중성의 현실에서 길을 잃은 인간적 존재의 의식 상태 사이의 중개자입니다.
My greatest desire is that I could give you the experience of God’s unconditional love and make you truly accept that the creator of this universe has an infinite love for you personally. So many people believe that they are not worthy of God’s love. So many people are afraid to approach God, because they have allowed themselves to believe that unless they live up to some standard defined by some church or authority, they will be rejected by God. The simple fact is that your lifestream will never be rejected by God. God wants you, his son or daughter, to inherit the fullness of his kingdom of unconditional love.
나의 가장 큰 바람은 여러분에게 신의 조건 없는 사랑의 경험을 선사하는 것이고, 우주의 창조자가 여러분 각자에게 가진, 무한한 사랑을 여러분이 진정으로 받아들이도록 하는 것입니다. 많은 사람들이 스스로 신의 사랑을 받을 가치가 없다고 생각합니다. 많은 사람들이 신에게 다가가기를 두려워하는데, 자신들이 교회나 권위가 인정한 기준에 맞춰 살지 못하는 한 신이 자신들을 거부할거라는 믿음을 가지고 있기 때문입니다. 아주 간단한 진실은 신은 결코 당신을 거부하지 않는다는 사실입니다. 신은 자신이 아들과 딸인 당신이 조건 없는 사랑의 왕국을 완전히 물려받기를 원합니다.
Reaching for God 신과 만나기
However, you must understand that the flesh and blood of the dualistic mind cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven. You cannot experience God’s love through the dualistic mind. The problem is that because people have not been taught about individual Christhood, so many sincere and well-meaning people attempt to approach God from the level of the dualistic mind. When you approach God from the level of the dualistic mind, God does not realize that it is being approached, because its eyes cannot behold the inequity of the dualistic mind. Therefore, people feel rejected by God.
그러나 피와 살을 가진 이중성의 마음은 천상의 왕국을 계승할 수 없다는 것을 이해해야 합니다. 이중성의 마음을 통해서는 신의 사랑을 경험할 수 없습니다. 그 문제는 사람들은 개별적인 그리스도의식에 대해 배운 적이 없기 때문에 너무나도 많은 진실하고 선한 사람들이 이중성의 마음의 수준에서 신에게 접근하려 시도하고 있습니다. 이중성의 마음의 수준에서 신에 접촉하려 하면 신은 이중성의 마음의 편견을 보지 못하기 때문에 그것을 알 수 없습니다. 그래서 사람들은 신이 자신들을 거부했다고 느낍니다.
Let me tell you a parable that explains the situation. Imagine that you are trying to reach a person who lives in New York City. You have a telephone and a telephone book. If you have ever seen the New York telephone book, you will know that it contains millions of numbers. You don’t know the name of the person you are trying to reach, and therefore you have no way of finding his telephone number. Yet, you know that if you do not dial the right number, you will not reach that person. What can you do? You can begin from the beginning and dial every number in the book. Yet, if you do so, you will inevitably experience many failed attempts, and it might take you a long time to get through to the right person. The simple fact is that most religious people are trying to reach God without having his telephone number. Therefore, they do not get through, and they feel discouraged and rejected.
그 상황을 설명할 수 있는 비유를 들어보겠습니다. 당신이 뉴욕에 있는 어떤 사람과 연락하려고 노력하는 것을 상상해보세요. 당신은 전화기와 전화번호부를 가지고 있습니다. 뉴욕의 전화번호부에는 수백만 개의 번호가 있습니다. 당신은 연락하려는 사람의 이름을 모르기 때문에 번호를 알 길이 없습니다. 그러나 당신은 정확한 번호가 아니면 그 사람을 찾을 수 없다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 어떻게 하겠습니까? 그 전화번호부의 처음부터 모든 번호를 돌려봄으로써 시작할 수 있지만 필연적으로 여러 번의 실패를 경험하게 됩니다. 그 사람을 찾기 전에 긴 시간이 걸릴 수도 있습니다. 간단한 사실은 많은 종교적인 사람들이 전화번호부 없이 신에게 가까이 가려 노력한다는 것입니다. 그래서 그들은 그것이 효과 없음으로써 절망하고 거부된 느낌을 가지게 됩니다.
I am here to tell you that it is not difficult to find God’s telephone number. To find it, you simply need to reach for the Christ consciousness. If you are reading these teachings, you have manifested a certain level of Christ consciousness. Therefore, you already have the potential to experience that state of consciousness and thereby to experience God’s unconditional and very personal love for you. Please contemplate the concept of unconditional love.
나는 여기에 여러분이 신의 전화번호를 발견하는 것이 어렵지 않다는 것을 알려주러 온 것입니다. 그것을 발견하기 위해 단지 그리스도 의식에 이르면 됩니다. 이 글을 읽고 있다면 그리스도 의식의 어떤 특정한 수준은 현실화된 것입니다. 그래서 당신은 이미 그 의식 상태를 경험할 수 있는 잠재성이 있으며, 그리고 난 후 신의 조건 없는 사랑인 바로 당신에 대한 사랑을 경험할 수 있습니다. 그러니 조건 없는 사랑에 대해 신중히 생각해보길 바랍니다.
The God of the Bible 성경의 신
I am aware that some Christians will think that the ideas I am expressing here contradict the image of God given in the Bible. Therefore, I would like you to participate in a little thought experiment. I would like you to imagine what it would be like if you were a spiritual teacher residing up here in the spiritual world. You are now looking at humankind, and the question you need to consider is how you could possibly help humankind rise to a higher level of consciousness. It is not difficult see that some people are in a very low or dense state of consciousness. They have become so enveloped in the relativity of the carnal mind that they literally believe they have the right to do anything they want to other people. They also believe they can get away with doing anything they want.
어떤 크리스천들에게는 여기서의 나의 생각이 성경에서의 신의 이미지와 충돌한다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 그래서 나는 여러분들에게 생각으로 할 수 있는 이 작은 실험에 참여하기를 요청합니다. 만약 당신이 이 영적인 영역에 있는 영적 스승이라면 어떻게 느낄지 상상해 보세요. 이제 당신은 인류를 바라보고 어떻게 그들을 도와 고차원의 의식으로 올릴지에 대해 생각합니다. 어떤 이들은 아주 낮은 의식의 상태에 있습니다. 그들의 마음은 상대적으로 매우 속세적이기 때문에 말 그대로 자신들이 원하는 것은 어떤 것이든 다른 이들에게 해도 되는 권리가 있다고 믿습니다. 또한 원하는 것은 무엇이든 가질 수 있다고 믿습니다.
From your vantage point as a spiritual being, you clearly see that because of the law of cause and effect, these people are on the fast-track to destroying themselves. They are simply creating a mountain of karma, and it is only a matter of time before an avalanche will slide down that mountain and bury them. Yet, these people are so entrenched in their state of consciousness that it is impossible to reach them with any kind of spiritual message. What could you possibly do to reach such people? How could you possibly shake them out of their current state of consciousness and make them realize that unless they change their ways, they will inevitably destroy themselves? I am sure you will realize that the only way to reach such people is with a very stern and direct message. Some people have literally descended to such a low state of consciousness that the only way they could possibly be shaken out of that state of consciousness is by fear. These people will not change their ways unless they fear the consequences of their actions. In other words, some people will only change out of the fear of punishment.
영적인 스승으로써 당신은 원인과 결과의 법칙 때문에 그 사람들이 빠른 속도록 자신들을 파괴하게 되리라는 것을 알고 있습니다. 그들은 카르마를 계속 쌓아 그 산사태가 그들을 덮어 묻어버리게 되는 것은 시간문제일 뿐입니다. 그러나 그 사람들은 어떤 영적인 메시지를 받는 것이 불가능한 의식의 상태에 둘러싸여 있습니다. 그 사람들을 설득하기 위해 어떤 일을 할 수 있겠습니까? 그들이 그 존재 방식을 바꾸지 않는다면 필연적으로 자신들을 파괴하게 된다는 것을 알도록 그들의 의식 상태에서 벗어나게 흔들어 깨울 수 있겠습니까? 당신은 그들이 그 사실을 알 수 있게 하는 방식은 아주 단호하고 직접적인 메시지라는 것을 알게 될 것입니다. 그러한 의식의 상태로 하강한 사람들을 그 의식의 상태에서 흔들어 넘어설 수 있도록 하는 유일한 방법은 두려움입니다. 그 사람들은 자신들의 행위의 결론에 대한 두려움이 없다면 자신들의 방식을 결코 바꾸지 않을 것입니다. 다시 말하면 어떤 이들은 처벌에 대한 두려움으로만 변화됩니다.
When you come to this understanding, you realize the dilemma in which we of the ascended masters find ourselves. We do not want to be feared by people. Yet, we do not want to see our brothers and sisters destroy themselves. If the only thing that can motivate people to change their ways is fear, then what are we to do? We of the ascended masters are quite serious about saving people and bringing every lifestream back home. We will go to great length to wake up a lifestream and make that lifestream realize that it must change its ways. If a lifestream can only be awakened through fear, then we will take on the appearance of an angry God. If the lifestream needs to be motivated by punishment, then we will seek to make people see the threat of such punishment. Because the law of cause and effect makes people punish themselves for their actions, this threat is very real.
당신이 이를 이해했다면 우리, 상승한 마스터들이 빠지게 된 딜레마를 알 수 있을 것입니다. 우리는 사람들이 두려움에 떠는 것을 원하지 않습니다. 또한 우리의 형제와 자매들이 스스로를 파괴하는 것도 원하지 않습니다. 사람들을 유일하게 변화시킬 수 있는 방법이 두려움뿐이라면 우리는 어떻게 해야 하겠습니까? 우리 상승한 마스터들은 모든 사람들을 집으로 돌아오게 하는 것에 대해 아주 진지합니다. 우리는 인간들을 깨우고 그 방식을 바꿔야만 한다는 것을 알게 하기 위해 최선을 다할 것입니다. 만약 인간이 두려움을 통해서만 깨달을 수 있다면, 우리는 분노한 신의 외양을 취할 것입니다. 만약 인간이 처벌에 의해서만 동기가 부여된다면, 사람들이 그러한 처벌의 위험을 이해하게 할 것입니다. 원인과 결과의 법칙 때문에 사람들은 자신들의 행동으로 인해 스스로를 처벌하게 되기 때문에 그 위협은 아주 실질적입니다.
It is essential for you to understand that what you see in the Bible is not the highest spiritual teaching that God desires to bring to this planet. What you see in both the Old and the New Testament is a measured response that is designed to work with the state of consciousness that people had at the time the teaching was released. I have already told you about progressive revelation. The Law of Moses was given to people in a very low state of consciousness. Therefore, they needed a very stern message. Obviously my Sermon on the Mount was a more gentle message. Yet, it was still very direct. It has always been the hope of the ascended masters that humankind as a whole will grow to a level of consciousness where they can receive the true teachings of God, namely the teachings of God’s unconditional love.
여기서 성경에서 나온 신에 대한 내용은 신이 지구에 가져오길 바라는 가장 고차원의 가르침이 아니라는 것을 아는 것이 핵심입니다. 구약과 신약에 있는 내용은 그 가르침이 나올 당시의 사람들의 의식의 상태에 맞추어 나온 것입니다. 여러분에게 진보적인 계시록(progressive revelation)에 대해서는 이미 설명하였습니다. 모세의 율법은 의식 상태가 낮은 이들에게 주어진 것이며, 그래서 그들은 아주 엄격한 메시지가 필요했습니다. 확실히 산상수훈(Sermon on the Mount)에서의 나의 메시지는 좀더 부드러웠지만 여전히 단언적이었습니다. 상승한 마스터들은 인류가 전체로써 신의 진실한 가르침, 소위 신의 조건 없는 사랑을 가르침을 받을 수 있는 의식의 수준으로 성장하기를 항상 바래왔습니다.
Obviously, this does not mean that the Bible is outdated. Even today, many people are still in the state of consciousness that was addressed in the Law of Moses. Yet, today many people are ready for the higher teachings of love. If you are reading these teachings, you should count yourself among them. It was my original hope that people would use my teachings to walk the path of personal Christhood. As a critical mass of people walked that path and attained some measure of Christhood, it would be possible for me to release the highest teachings of God’s love. I believe that we are now approaching the time when these teachings must come forth. If a critical mass of people will heed my directions and reach for their personal Christhood, then it will not be long before I can deliver the true teachings of God’s unconditional love.
그러나 이 것이 성경이 시대를 벗어났다는 의미는 아닙니다. 오늘날 까지도 많은 사람들이 여전히 모세의 율법이 나오던 시대의 의식 상태에 있습니다. 동시에 많은 사람들이 사랑의 고차원의 가르침에 준비가 되어 있습니다. 이 글을 읽고 있는 여러분은 그들과 같습니다. 사람들이 개인적인 그리스도 의식으로 다가가는데 나의 가르침을 사용하는 것이 나의 본래의 희망이었습니다. 결정적인 다수의 사람들이 그 길을 걷고 어느 정도의 그리스도 의식을 얻으면, 신의 사랑에 대한 가장 고차원의 사랑을 보여주는 것이 가능할 것입니다. 나는 그러한 가르침이 드러나야 할 시간에 우리가 가까이 가고 있다고 믿습니다. 결정적인 다수의 사람들이 나의 안내를 주의 깊게 인식하고 개인적인 그리스도 의식에 이른다면 곧 신의 조건 없는 사랑의 진정한 가르침을 가져다 줄 수 있습니다.
No need for guilt
I want you to understand that God created you in its image and likeness. God gave you free will, and God gave you the right to experiment with that free will. God realized that it was inevitable that some of its sons and daughters would use their free will to violate its laws. Obviously, God does not want you to make choices that are self-destructive. Yet, God is not angry at you for making such choices, and God does not condemn you for making such choices. Therefore, God does not want to make you feel guilty or condemned for having made such choices. God has no desire to see you live an entire lifetime, or even many lifetimes, with the feeling that you are a miserable sinner who is unworthy to approach God. God does not want you to feel bad for having made a mistake. God wants you to feel free to admit that you have made a mistake, to accept God’s forgiveness and to stop making further mistakes.
The problem on planet earth today is that so many people have accepted the idea that they are miserable sinners, and therefore they dare not even approach God and ask for forgiveness. As a result, they continue to make choices that are based on the dualistic mind, and therefore they continue to build a wall between themselves and God’s forgiveness and love. This is not what God desires to see happen. God wants all of its son and daughters to step out of the negative spiral whereby they remove themselves further and further from God’s kingdom. I am aware that some people will misuse the idea of God’s forgiveness. The kind of people who bought letters of absolvency and then sinned with a “clean” conscience are simply not ready for the teaching that God’s forgiveness is infinite. Yet, I trust that few of these people will ever read these teachings. Therefore, I desire to release to you the teaching that God’s mercy and forgiveness is indeed infinite. Furthermore, God’s forgiveness is instantaneous.
God simply wants you to abandon the relative consciousness that causes you to violate God’s laws. Because of free will, you must make a choice to let go of that state of consciousness. However, at the very moment you make that choice, all of your transgressions, all of your mistakes, all of your sins are instantaneously forgiven. God simply wants you to come home, and you cannot come home as long as you feel like a miserable sinner who is unworthy to approach God. Therefore, God wants you to overcome that feeling so that you can feel worthy to enter its kingdom. God wants you to feel that you are welcome and will be accepted by your God. Your acceptance into God’s kingdom does not depend on the acts that you have or have not committed. Your acceptance into God’s kingdom depends on only one thing, namely your state of consciousness. To enter God’s kingdom, you must abandon the dualistic mind and unite with the Christ mind. The very process of putting off the old state of consciousness and putting on the new state of consciousness is enough to qualify you for God’s forgiveness. Therefore, after you make the decision to pursue personal Christhood, you must make a conscious effort to let go of the belief that you are a miserable sinner who is unworthy to enter God’s kingdom.
The law of karma
God created you in his own image and likeness. Therefore, from the very beginning you were worthy to inherit God’s kingdom. From the very beginning, you were worthy to receive God’s unconditional love. Nothing you could possibly do will make you unworthy of receiving God’s unconditional love. If it could, God’s love would not be unconditional. I want you to contemplate these ideas until you begin to accept that you are indeed worthy of approaching God and that you can, by putting on the full measure of your personal Christhood, become worthy to enter God’s kingdom.
However, I must also tell you that God’s forgiveness does not remove your personal karma. To fully escape the downward pull of planet earth, you must balance your personal karma. What I am trying to make you see here is that when you commit a wrong act, two things happen:
•You create a certain amount of personal karma. You can think of this as incurring a debt to life. This karma is misqualified energy, and because the energy was misqualified in the material universe, you create a certain gravitational pull that keeps your lifestream tied to the material universe. That is why you must continue to reincarnate until you balance your personal karma. In other words, as long as you have unbalanced karma in the material world, you are not free to ascend to the spiritual world.
•You create a distance between you and God. That distance exists only in you mind, but it originated when your lifestream first decided to turn away from God. Every dualistic act you commit only reinforces the wall that you have built between yourself and God. To return to God’s kingdom, you must tear down this psychological barrier, and you can only do so by accepting God’s forgiveness and thereby rebuilding your sense of being a son or daughter who is worthy to enter your Father’s kingdom. As long as you maintain the slightest sense of unworthiness, you cannot make the free-will decision to step through the gate that leads to God’s kingdom.
All wrong acts are the results of a certain state of consciousness, a certain state of ignorance. At the moment you forsake that state of consciousness, your mistake is forgiven by God. You should allow yourself to feel and accept God’s forgiveness, because it will be of great encouragement to you as you walk the path to Christhood. Yet, at the same time you must not forget that God’s forgiveness does not remove the karma you made through your wrong actions. That karma must be balanced before you are free of those actions. I want you to remember that karma is a debt to life. When you earnestly walk the path of personal Christhood, you will lay up treasures in heaven that will make it far easier for you to balance your karma from the past. In other words, if you become a spiritual millionaire, it will be easy to pay back your debts to life.
I want you to contemplate the concepts of forgiveness and unconditional love. I want you to realize and accept that you are indeed worthy to inherit your Father’s kingdom. You see, because God’s love in unconditional, you do not have to do anything to earn God’s love. You earned that love the moment God created your lifestream. Therefore, you simply have to accept God’s love. If you are not experiencing God’s unconditional love, it is not because God is hiding that love from you. It is because you are hiding from God’s love. Simply stop rejecting God’s love. It is indeed the Father’s good pleasure to give you his love.
Copyright © 2003 by Kim Michaels
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