Photo of the Cloud-Hidden Neptune 구름에 가려진 UFO사진
Posted by Steve Beckow on May 31, 2014
Linda Dillon was walking her pet dog, Eliza, when she looked up and saw the mothership, the Neptune, on the horizon. She whipped out her iPhone and took a picture. She says she could not get it all in her camera. It’s 28 miles long. I asked her how it is that she knew it was the Neptune and she replied: “I looked up and said to Eliza, that looks like the Neptune. And they replied ‘Yes, it’s us.’” It’s taking the shape of a UFO for this arrival because that’s a shape people will recognize. The dome on top is the command deck. “It certainly made my day,” she confided.
린다 딜런이 그녀의 개, 엘리자와 산책하면서 하늘을 봤을 때 함선(mothership)인 넵튠(Neptune)을 목격했습니다. 즉시 아이폰을 꺼내 사진을 찍었는데, 그녀 말로는 그 길이가 28마일이라 한 장면에 모두 담기 힘들었다고 합니다. 저는 어떻게 그것이 넵튠이라는 것을 알았는지에 대해 물어보니 그녀는: ‘제가 올려다보면서 엘리자에게, 저것은 꼭 넵튠처럼 보이는구나..했을 때 그들이 대답했습니다 ‘그렇습니다. 바로 우리입니다.’’ 그것은 UFO의 형태를 띄고 있는데 사람들이 그 형태를 인식하기 쉽기 때문입니다. 맨 위의 둥근 지붕은 조종실입니다. 린다는 ‘오늘은 저의 최고의 날입니다.’라며 털어놓았습니다.
Linda’s photo enlarged, if a little fuzzy….
I recently spoke to Archangel Michael about the Neptune trip and he reported that:
“There was a very aggressive plan underway to intervene both in the unveiling of the mothership [Oct. 14, 2008] and with anyone who would try to visit the Neptune.”
“The term would be ‘national security’ only we would use the term ‘global security.’ So it was decided by the Intergalactic Council, that the danger [was too great] and the one commitment that they adhered to, which was ‘no fear’ had too strong a potential to proceed [with either event].
“So the individual, both known and unknown, visitations to various ships actually have been taking place and again we would encourage people to share their experiences and their knowing of that. [via "Contact Us."]
“The communication with your star brothers and sisters has increased tremendously over the last few months especially.” (1)
Some people wonder how a spaceship could bear a Latin name. The answer is that the Latin and Greek languages are themselves based on galactic languages. So it isn’t that the Neptune is a Latin word. It’s a galactic word. And what it refers to is not our planet Neptune, but a planet Neptune in a distant constellation. Spaceships often mask their presence with clouds as in these photos. These cloud formations are called lenticular clouds.
어떤 이들은 함선 이름들이 왜 라틴어인지를 궁금해하는데, 라틴어와 그리스어는 우주 언어를 기반으로 하고 있기 때문입니다. 그래서 넵튠이라는 단어는 라틴어가 아닌 우주에서 사용하는 단어로, 해왕성(Neptune)이 아니라 우주에서 멀리 떨어진 성단의 이름입니다. 우주 함선은 종종 자신들의 출현을 구름으로 가리는데 그 형태를 렌즈구름(lenticular clouds)이라 부릅니다.
(1) Personal Reading between Steve Beckow and Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon on Apr. 29, 2014.
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